Tools and Technologies powers

This site makes use of a list of Commercial as well as Open-source tools and technologies. We believe in transparency in sharing this information and our sincere thanks to the developers and organizations supporting them.

  1. WordPress powers the website.
  2. The Avada premium theme for the look and feel.
  3. Yoast SEO plugin for Seach Engine Optimization.
  4. VPS dime for hosting the website.
  5. MySQL database.
  6. Nginx for the load balancer and reverse proxy.
  7. Cloudflare CDN.
  8. Google Analytics.

By using, you are agreeing with the terms of use of the above tools.

Information we collect

  • We may collect your name, emails etc to send you our daily, weekly or montly newsletters. The tools we listed above may collect additional informations.
  • The data we collect is for improving the user experiece and could be for technical, communication or marketing purpose.

Cookie Policy

We use cookies for improving your experience at Our site also uses third part cookies for providing greater user experiences and for targetting and advertising purpose.

Information Disclose does not sell, trade, release or transfer your information to any third party unless pursuant of an investigation of suspected unlawful, harmful, or otherwise illegal activity.

Consent and Changes

By using, you are agreeing with the privacy policy.

Any changes made to the privacy poilcy will be posted on this page.

In case of emergency

In case of emergency, reach out to us at [email protected]