Complete RabbitMQ Tutorial in Java with Spring Boot example
This is a RabbitMQ Course in Java with asynchronous messaging examples using rabbitmq-java-client, Spring Boot and Spring AMQP. This is a programming course, it focuses more on the asynchronous programming than the admin UI. I have tried to keep the tutorial up-to-date with the latest Java trends.
What you will learn?
- Basics of RabbitMQ and AMQP. Need of a messaging system, the truly interoperable
- Setup a RabbitMQ in docker/docker-compose and start the RabbitMQ server with management-UI.
- Build RabbitMQ based application in Java and Spring.
- Learn the different components of RabbitMQ like Queue, Bindings, Exchange and etc.
- Learn the 4 exchanges available in RabbitMQ like Direct Exchange, Fanout Exchange, Topic Exchange and Headers Exchange.
- Understand advanced tricks and tips for RabbitMQ performance best practices.
- Learn advanced technique like Alternate Exchange, Exchange to Exchange bindings etc.
- Learn and understand to use Spring AMQP library for Spring style programming.
Course Prerequisites
- Knowledge of Java, Maven, Spring is required.
- Any IDE like VS Code, Eclipse or IntelliJ Idea is good.
- The examples are tested on
openjdk 11.0.6 2020-01-14
, and apache mavenApache Maven 3.6.3
. - Git is optional to checkout the code examples from GitHub.
Course contents
- Official RabbitMQ website.
- AMQP protocol website
- AMQP 1.0 final draft, approved by OASIS.
- Spring AMQP official doc.