The Kubernetes Scheduler is a crucial component responsible for making decisions about where to place newly created pods within the Kubernetes cluster. Its primary role is to ensure optimal resource utilization and maintain high availability by distributing workloads across the cluster’s nodes.

In the intricate ecosystem of Kubernetes, the Scheduler stands as a silent orchestrator, wielding the power to strategically place pods across the cluster’s nodes. This critical component plays a pivotal role in optimizing resource utilization, enhancing scalability, and ensuring fault tolerance within Kubernetes deployments. In this article, we unravel the complexities of the Kubernetes Scheduler, shedding light on its inner workings, decision-making process, and the factors influencing node selection.

How Kubernetes Scheduler Works:

  1. Receiving Pod Spec: When a user creates a new pod, they provide a PodSpec that includes information such as resource requirements, affinity/anti-affinity rules, and any other constraints.
  2. Selecting a Node: The Scheduler watches for newly created pods that do not have a node assigned. It evaluates each pod against the cluster’s scheduling constraints and selects an appropriate node for it.
  3. Filtering and Scoring: The Scheduler uses a two-step process to select a node:
    • Filtering: Nodes that do not meet the pod’s resource requirements or any other constraints are filtered out.
    • Scoring: The remaining nodes are scored based on factors such as resource availability, node affinity, anti-affinity rules, and taints/tolerations. The node with the highest score is selected for the pod.
  4. Binding Pod to Node: Once a node is selected, the Scheduler updates the pod’s status to indicate the assigned node. It then notifies the Kubernetes API server, which updates the cluster state accordingly.

How Nodes are Selected:

The Scheduler evaluates various factors when selecting a node for a pod, including:

  1. Resource Requirements: The Scheduler considers the CPU and memory resource requests specified in the pod’s PodSpec. It ensures that the selected node has enough available resources to accommodate the pod.
  2. Node Affinity and Anti-Affinity: Pod affinity and anti-affinity rules define preferences and constraints regarding pod placement based on labels associated with nodes. The Scheduler uses these rules to optimize pod placement, either preferring or avoiding nodes with specific characteristics.
  3. Taints and Tolerations: Nodes can be tainted to repel certain pods unless those pods tolerate the taints. Tolerations specified in the pod’s PodSpec allow it to be scheduled on tainted nodes. The Scheduler considers taints and tolerations when selecting nodes for pods.
  4. Pod Priority and Preemption: Kubernetes supports pod priority and preemption, allowing higher-priority pods to preempt lower-priority pods if resources become scarce. The Scheduler considers pod priorities when making scheduling decisions to ensure that critical workloads are prioritized. This is explained in a Separate Example.

The scheduler takes into account individual and collective resource requirements, quality of service, hardware/software/policy constraints, affinity and anti-affinity specifications, data locality, and other factors when making scheduling decisions.

Kubernetes provides a set of default predicates and priority functions, but the scheduling framework is also highly extensible, allowing users to develop custom scheduling plugins to handle more complex requirements. Some common scheduling issues that may arise include “noisy neighbors” consuming too many resources, nodes running out of resources for system processes, and pods being preempted or not scheduled due to priority conflicts. To address these issues, it is recommended to set resource requests and limits for containers, reserve resources for system processes, and properly configure priority classes for pods.

Scheduler Taints and Tolerations example:

Taints: A taint is a property of a node that marks it as unsuitable for certain types of pods. When a node is tainted, it means that Kubernetes will try to avoid scheduling pods onto that node unless the pod specifically tolerates the taint.

Tolerations: A toleration is a property of a pod that allows it to be scheduled onto a node with a matching taint. When you define a toleration for a pod, you’re essentially saying that the pod is okay with being scheduled onto nodes with specific taints.

We’ll use taints and tolerations to specify the characteristics of each node and ensure that only appropriate workloads are scheduled onto them. We’ll also use real-world examples such as Nginx for general-purpose workloads and a machine learning (ML) image for GPU-intensive tasks. Let’s set up a scenario where we have three nodes, each optimized for different types of workloads:

  • Node-1: General-purpose workload
  • Node-2: GPU-intensive workload (e.g. ML workload)
  • Node-3: CPU-intensive workload

Step 1: Taint the nodes

First, we’ll taint each node to indicate its specialization:

# Taint Node-1 for general-purpose workload
kubectl taint nodes node-1 workload=general:NoSchedule

# Taint Node-2 for GPU-intensive workload
kubectl taint nodes node-2 workload=gpu:NoSchedule

# Taint Node-3 for CPU-intensive workload
kubectl taint nodes node-3 workload=cpu:NoSchedule

Step 2: Create Tolerations for GPU workloads

Next, we’ll define tolerations for a GPU workload type to allow pods to be scheduled onto the nodes with GPU capabilities. Here in our case, it will be scheduled on Node-2.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: tensorflow-gpu-deployment
  replicas: 1
      app: tensorflow-gpu
        app: tensorflow-gpu
      - name: tensorflow-container
        image: tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu
      - key: "workload"
        operator: "Equal"
        value: "gpu"
        effect: "NoSchedule"
  • We define a Deployment named “tensorflow-gpu-deployment” with one replica. The selector ensures that the Deployment manages pods with the label “app: tensorflow-gpu”.
  • Inside the pod template, we specify a container named “tensorflow-container” using the TensorFlow GPU image (tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu).
  • We set a resource limit for one GPU ( 1) to ensure the pod only runs on nodes with GPU resources available.
  • We define a toleration for the “gpu” workload, matching the taint applied to Node-2.

You already know to use the following command to deploy.

$ kubectl apply -f tensorflow-gpu-deployment.yaml

To check which node the pods managed by the Deployment “tensorflow-gpu-deployment” are deployed on, you can use the kubectl get pods -o wide command. This command will provide detailed information about the pods, including the node they are running on. Here’s the command:

$ kubectl get pods -l app=tensorflow-gpu -o wide

NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP           NODE
tensorflow-gpu-deployment-xxx-xxx        1/1     Running   0          2m   node-2

Step 3: Create Tolerations for CPU workloads

Here’s a Deployment YAML for a TensorFlow CPU version, which will be deployed on Node-3, designated for CPU-intensive workloads:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: tensorflow-cpu-deployment
  replicas: 1
      app: tensorflow-cpu
        app: tensorflow-cpu
      - name: tensorflow-container
        image: tensorflow/tensorflow:latest
      - key: "workload"
        operator: "Equal"
        value: "cpu"
        effect: "NoSchedule"
  • We define a Deployment named “tensorflow-cpu-deployment” with one replica.
  • The selector ensures that the Deployment manages pods with the label app: tensorflow-cpu.
  • Inside the pod template, we specify a container named “tensorflow-container” using the TensorFlow CPU image (tensorflow/tensorflow:latest).
  • We define a toleration for the “cpu” workload, matching the taint applied to Node-3.

You can apply this YAML definition using the kubectl apply command:

kubectl apply -f tensorflow-cpu-deployment.yaml

To check which node the pods managed by the Deployment “tensorflow-cpu-deployment” are deployed on, you can use the kubectl get pods -o wide command. This command will provide detailed information about the pods, including the node they are running on. Here’s the command:

$ kubectl get pods -l app=tensorflow-cpu -o wide

NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP           NODE
tensorflow-cpu-deployment-xxx-xxx        1/1     Running   0          2m   node-3

Step 4: Create the Tolerations for General Purpose workload

# Nginx Pod for General Purpose Workload
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx-general
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx
  - key: "workload"
    operator: "Equal"
    value: "general"
    effect: "NoSchedule"

The Nginx pod is scheduled onto Node-1, which is suitable for general-purpose workloads. You can also remove the taint from Node-1, then all general purpose work will be deployed there.

Node Affinity and Anti-Affinity for Kubernetes Scheduler.

Node affinity and anti-affinity are Kubernetes features used to influence pod scheduling based on the characteristics of individual nodes in the cluster. Node affinity specifies rules that control which nodes are eligible for pod placement, while node anti-affinity specifies rules to avoid placing pods on certain nodes.

Let’s create examples of Node Affinity and Anti-Affinity for Kubernetes Scheduler, using a scenario where one node is marked as SSD and deploying MySQL on it. We’ll use Node Affinity to ensure MySQL pods are scheduled on the SSD node and Node Anti-Affinity to prevent multiple MySQL pods from running on the same node.

Node Affinity Example:

In this example, we’ll mark one node as SSD and ensure that MySQL pods are scheduled only on that node using Node Affinity.

$ kubectl label nodes <node-name> disk=ssd

Deployment YAML for MySQL:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: mysql-deployment
  replicas: 1
      app: mysql
        app: mysql
      - name: mysql-container
        image: mysql:latest
            - matchExpressions:
              - key: disk
                operator: In
                - ssd

In this YAML:

  • We label one node with disk=ssd.
  • We use Node Affinity to ensure that the MySQL pod is scheduled only on nodes with the label disk=ssd.

To deploy the MySQL Deployment, use the following command:

$ kubectl apply -f mysql-deployment.yaml

Checking the node where MySQL pod is deployed:

$ kubectl get pods -l app=mysql -o wide

Node anti-affinity Example:

In this example, we’ll prevent multiple MySQL pods from running on the same node using Node Anti-Affinity. Deployment YAML for MySQL with Node Anti-Affinity:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: mysql-deployment
  replicas: 2
      app: mysql
        app: mysql
      - name: mysql-container
        image: mysql:latest
          - labelSelector:
              - key: app
                operator: In
                - mysql
            topologyKey: ""

In this YAML:

  • We specify Node Anti-Affinity to prevent multiple MySQL pods (replicas: 2) from running on the same node.
  • We use topologyKey: "" to ensure that pods are spread across nodes.

You can use the earlier discussed kubectl commands to deploy and check the outputs.

#deploy the file
$ kubectl apply -f mysql-deployment.yaml

#Check the nodes where pods are deployed
$ kubectl get pods -l app=mysql -o wide

I am hoping you have understood, how Node Affinity and Node Anti-Affinity can be used to influence pod scheduling in Kubernetes, ensuring optimal resource utilization and application performance.

Scheduler Performance and Scalability

As Kubernetes clusters scale up to thousands or even tens of thousands of nodes, the performance and scalability of the scheduler become critical factors. The efficiency of scheduling algorithms, the overhead of evaluating constraints and policies, and the scalability of the scheduler architecture all impact the responsiveness and throughput of the scheduling process.

To address these challenges, Kubernetes introduces enhancements such as parallel scheduling, where multiple scheduling operations can be performed concurrently, and scheduling caches to cache scheduling decisions and avoid redundant computations. Additionally, ongoing efforts within the Kubernetes community focus on optimizing scheduler performance and scalability to support increasingly large and complex deployments.

Scheduler Performance:

  1. Algorithm Efficiency: The efficiency of the scheduling algorithm directly impacts the scheduler’s performance. Kubernetes uses a default scheduling algorithm that evaluates various factors like resource requirements, node capacity, affinity/anti-affinity rules, and pod priorities to make scheduling decisions. Optimizing this algorithm for speed and accuracy is essential, especially in large clusters with numerous pending pods.
  2. Constraint Evaluation Overhead: Kubernetes supports various constraints and policies, such as node affinity, anti-affinity, pod priorities, and resource limits. Evaluating these constraints for every pod during the scheduling process can introduce overhead, particularly as the number of nodes and pods increases. Optimizing constraint evaluation mechanisms to minimize computational overhead is critical for improving scheduler performance.
  3. Parallel Scheduling: Kubernetes introduces the concept of parallel scheduling to enhance performance. Instead of processing scheduling decisions sequentially, parallel scheduling allows multiple scheduling operations to occur concurrently, leveraging the cluster’s computational resources more effectively. This approach can significantly reduce scheduling latency, especially in clusters with high workload demands.
  4. Caching Mechanisms: To avoid redundant computations and improve scheduling efficiency, Kubernetes employs caching mechanisms to store previously computed scheduling decisions. By caching scheduling decisions, the scheduler can quickly retrieve precomputed results for identical or similar scheduling requests, reducing the need for repetitive evaluations and enhancing overall performance.

Scheduler Scalability:

  1. Cluster Size: As Kubernetes clusters scale up to thousands or even tens of thousands of nodes, the scheduler must maintain scalability to accommodate the increasing workload demands. Scalability challenges arise from the need to handle a large number of scheduling requests, evaluate constraints across a vast node pool, and distribute workloads efficiently across the cluster.
  2. Concurrent Scheduling: Scalable schedulers should support concurrent scheduling operations to handle multiple scheduling requests simultaneously. By allowing parallel execution of scheduling decisions, the scheduler can better utilize the cluster’s computational resources and scale more effectively with growing workloads.
  3. Resource Utilization: Efficient resource utilization is essential for scheduler scalability. As the cluster size increases, the scheduler must optimize resource allocation and distribution to avoid resource contention and bottlenecks. This includes balancing the workload across nodes, optimizing pod placement, and minimizing resource wastage to ensure optimal cluster performance.
  4. Distributed Architecture: Kubernetes schedulers often operate in a distributed environment, where multiple scheduler instances coordinate scheduling decisions across the cluster. A distributed architecture enables horizontal scalability by distributing scheduling workload across multiple scheduler nodes, allowing the cluster to scale seamlessly as demand increases.
  5. Performance Tuning: Fine-tuning scheduler performance parameters and configuration settings can enhance scalability. This includes adjusting parameters related to parallelism, caching, and scheduling algorithms to optimize resource utilization and throughput in large-scale deployments.


Kubernetes also lets you use Custom Scheduler. Custom schedulers extend Kubernetes’ native scheduling capabilities by allowing users to define custom logic for pod placement. They provide flexibility to implement specialized scheduling algorithms, policies, and constraints tailored to unique deployment requirements. Whether it’s optimizing resource utilization, enforcing workload isolation, or integrating with external systems, custom schedulers offer a versatile solution to meet diverse scheduling challenges.

As the silent conductor of Kubernetes, the Scheduler wields the power to strategically position pods across nodes, ensuring harmony in resource allocation and workload distribution. This article has delved into the inner workings of the Kubernetes Scheduler, unraveling its decision-making prowess, and shedding light on the myriad factors that influence node selection.

From receiving pod specifications to filtering and scoring nodes, the Scheduler navigates a labyrinth of constraints and considerations to orchestrate seamless pod placement. It evaluates resource requirements, node characteristics, affinity rules, and priority levels to orchestrate a symphony of pod scheduling.

Node Affinity and Anti-Affinity mechanisms stand as pillars of pod scheduling, allowing Kubernetes to intelligently place pods based on node attributes and workload characteristics. Whether it’s ensuring GPU-intensive workloads land on specialized nodes or preventing resource contention through anti-affinity rules, Kubernetes Scheduler plays a pivotal role in optimizing cluster performance.

Moreover, the Scheduler’s performance and scalability are paramount as Kubernetes deployments scale to encompass thousands of nodes. Through parallel scheduling, caching mechanisms, and distributed architecture, Kubernetes strives to enhance scheduling efficiency and accommodate the evolving demands of modern infrastructures.

By |Last Updated: May 5th, 2024|Categories: Kubernetes|